AntiCheat – Aim Blocker
AntiCheat – Aim Blocker
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In computer science, hacker [1] AFI: [ʁakɚɹ] [2] is an individual who is dedicated, with unusual intensity, to know and modify the most internal aspects of devices, programs and computer networks. Thanks to this knowledge, a hacker often achieves extraordinary solutions and effects, which go beyond the “normal” functioning of systems as predicted by their creators; including, for example, circumventing the barriers that are supposed to prevent the control of certain systems and access to certain data.
The term (pronounced “habquer” with “h” expired) is imported from the English language, and has been translated by decipherer (although this word has another very distinct sense) or “translated” to raquer. The verbs “hackear” and “raquear” are usually used to describe modifications and manipulations not trivial or unauthorized in computer systems.
Hackers are necessarily skilled programmers (but not necessarily disciplined). Many are young, especially students (from middle to postgraduate level). By devoting much time to research and experimentation, hackers tend to have reduced social activity and fit into the stereotype of the nerd. Their motivations are varied, including curiosity, professional need, vanity, competitive spirit, patriotism, activism or even crime. Hackers who use their knowledge for illegal or harmful purposes are called crackers. [5]
Many hackers share information and collaborate on common projects, including conferences, activism and free software creation, forming a hacker community with specific culture, ideology and motivations. Others work for companies or government agencies, or on their own. Hackers were responsible for many important innovations in computing, including the C programming language and the Unix operating system (Kernighan and Ritchie), the emacs text editor (Stallman), the GNU / Linux system (Stallman and Torvalds) and the Google indexer (Page and Brin). Hackers have also revealed many weaknesses in encryption and security systems, such as digital urns (Gonggrijp and Haldeman), chip identity cards, Blu-ray discs, cell phone lockouts, and so on.
In English, the word derives from the verb to hack, which means “to cut roughly”, for example with an ax or machete. Used as a noun, hack means “gambiarra” – an impromptu solution, more or less original or ingenious.
This term was appropriated by the model trainers of the Tech Model Railroad Club in the 1950s to describe the modifications they made to electronic train control relays. In the 1960s, this term came to be used by programmers to indicate more or less ingenious programming tricks, for example using obscure computer resources. It was also used around this time for manipulation of telephone sets for the purpose of making free calls.
The term “decipherer” was introduced in the decade of 2000 by computer companies in Brazil, including Microsoft, IBM and Google.
Controversy over the name
By 1990, with the popularization of the Internet outside universities and research centers, some hackers began to use their knowledge to “hack into” (gaining unauthorized access to) other people’s computers. For example, in 1988, student Robert Tappan Morris took advantage of a little-known flaw in the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (E-mail) protocol to create the first “worm” on the Internet, a malware that invaded thousands of computers autonomously.
Even when performed just for fun, as in this case, these intrusions caused great inconvenience to system administrators and users. As the invaders were hackers, the term took on a negative connotation. For many people, it came to mean “invader of alien systems”. Many honest hackers resented this change of direction:
“We here at TMRC use the term ‘hacker’ only with its original meaning, from someone who applies their ingenuity to achieve a clever result, which is called a ‘hack’. The essence of a hack is that it is done quickly, and usually has no elegance. It achieves its goals without changing the total design of the system where it is inserted. Although it does not fit into the overall ‘design’ of the system, a ‘hack’ is generally fast, smart, and efficient. The initial and benign significance stands out from the recent – and more commonly used – meaning of the word ‘hacker’, as the person who invades computer networks, usually with the intention of stealing or vandalizing. Here at TMRC, where the words ‘hack’ and ‘hacker’ were created and used with pride since the 1950s, we are offended by the misuse of words to describe illegal acts. People who commit such things are best described by such expressions as ‘thieves’, ‘cracker’ d