Anticheat BIND
Anticheat BIND
Download : Click Here
This plugin use for stoped cfg and all cheats đ
This plugin bindeaza players buttons (you can change a .ini file) f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12, insert, home, end, delete, PageUp, PageDown to not use codes, that when a the player presses one of the buttons above codes can be activated.
Whenever a player hit those barrel will create a ‘logs’ in addons / amxmodx / configs named ultimate_bind (logs) .txt
If a player changes intended bind sites that you set at the beginning of each round plugin puts on the set of I / from file ultimate_bind.ini
[*] Installation:
1. File ultimate_bind.sma put it in addons / amxmodx / scripting
2. file ultimate_bind.amxx put it in addons / amxmodx / plugins
3. Enter the file addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and add the following:
4. File ultimate_bind.ini put it in addons / amxmodx / configs
5. File ultimate_bind.txt put it in addons / amxmodx / data / lang
[*] Cvars:
how I will punish the player?
1 – permanent ban
2 – ban for x minutes (set in 1000)
3 – kick
4 – messages displayed to all players on the server
* Default 1
1 – bindeaza buttons f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12, insert, home, end, delete, PageUp, PageDown
0 / or other no – no longer bindeaza
* Default 1
1 – bindeaza radio buttons. (Z, x, c)
0 / or other no – no longer bindeaza
* Default 1