HLDS (Counter Strike 1.6)

HLDS (Counter Strike 1.6)

HLDS (Counter Strike 1.6) – BUILD 6153

This HLDS its last build 6153 its working and worked very good have some news , some fixed bug and some exploit now its blocked.

HLDS have addons,amxmodx 1.8.2,metamod v1.21.p37,dproto 0.9.582 and some news its very good

How to install its very easy you have one link when you can download www.lspublic.com/hlds/hlds.zip

Install/Instalimi :

System Operative – Ubuntu

mkdir -p /game/public
cd /game/public
wget http://lspublic.com/hlds/hlds.zip
apt-get install unzip
unzip hlds.zip
rm -rf hlds.zip
cd /game/public/hlds
chmod +x hlds_run
chmod +x hlds_linux

System Operative – Centos

mkdir -p /game/public
cd /game/public
wget http://lspublic.com/hlds/hlds.zip
yum install unzip
unzip hlds.zip
rm -rf hlds.zip
cd /game/public/hlds
chmod +x hlds_run
chmod +x hlds_linux

Komandat per WEBFTP  vetem tek Centos :

yum -y install vsftpd

/etc/rc.d/init.d/vsftpd start

chkconfig vsftpd on

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    Qysh me ndreq ftp connection failed vps prej vps.ag????

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    srw u startu e krejt amo sbon hlds i kan fajet

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      HLDS punon shum mire komandat duhet mi shiku per me dhez hlds_run shumica hostave i kan iplayks , dangerzone etj 😀

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