GTA – San Anderas – ILIRA 2017

GTA – San Anderas – ILIRA 2017

GTA – San Andreas – Iliria 2017





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You can drive the best car same in GTA 5 you can see all maps and all object in gta 5 its very good , download and you can test 😀

Multiplayer was originally standard in the PC versions of Grand Theft Auto 1, although the process of creating and joining servers requires manual identification of the one’s IP address and also those of the playmates. The choices of multiplayer modes in GTA 1 is limited to only two: Cannonball run (a checkpoint race) and the traditional deathmatch. Having been based on GTA 1, the Grand Theft Auto: London 1969 and Grand Theft Auto: London 1961 mission packs employ the same multiplayer mechanisms, but allows the player to play multiplayer games in London, as well as Manchester for GTA London 1961.


The processes of creating and joining network games remained unchanged in the PC version of Grand Theft Auto 2, but the game comes with a more user-friendly, Windows-based “GTA2 Manager” to manage and join multiplayer games. GTA 2 features three different multiplayer modes, consisting of the existing deathmatch, as well as “Tag” (players chase one player labeled as “it”; whoever kills “it” becomes “it” in turn, becoming the hunted), and “Points” (where players attempt to rack up as much points or money in the same way they would in single player).


The PC version of Grand Theft Auto III was at one point going to contain a multiplayer mode, however Rockstar cancelled this during development. One can view textures related to multiplayer mode menu screens in the file models/menu.txd, using a TXD viewer. Additionally, strings found in the game’s GXT files suggest some of the modes and options that would have been available. There is a video of the multiplayer menu here . The file american.gxt contains:

San Andreas Multiplayer (SA-MP)

SA:MP started out as VC:MP (described above) in April 2005. Once GTA San Andreas was released on the PC, most of the team turned to development for the game. It has enjoyed a lot of success during public beta tests, as well as in releases. It has a large variety of game modes, the most of any third party multiplayer mod, and also supports custom game modes. The current version is 0.3.7, released by the team on May 1st, 2015.

GTA Tournament (gtaT)

GTA:Tournament started out in April 2003, created by “DracoBlue”, who envisioned the use of scriptable servers, support for up to 96 players, and the ability to have thousands of skins and vehicles in the game. It eventually saw releases for Vice City, and later San Andreas. On 29 April 2006, DracoBlue announced that development on the mod would cease. After talks with the SA:MP team, DracoBlue turned to scripting for that mod.

IV: Multiplayer (IV:MP)

IV:MP started out on February, 2010 by JeNkSta, starting out as a simple interface on 0.1a, which was released on April 5, as 0.1a, which featured a non-working Server browser, and needed to manually insert the server’s IP. With 0.1a R5, the server browser was fixed, allowing a much more friendly GUI. Latest release is 0.1 Alpha 2, released on April 9.

GTA Rumble GTA Rumble was started in December 2005, and is assumed to no longer be in development; its homepage at is no longer active. The latest beta release was 0.1c. Its features included chat, spawning, scoreboards, screenshots, weather/time changing, and parachutes, among others.

SA-2P SA-2P, or San Andreas 2 Player, was, as its name implies, a mod to bring the 2 player co-op mode found in the PS2 and Xbox version of GTA San Andreas to the PC, using online play. After having started in June 2005, version 0.1 only ever reached 10% progress according to its creator’s website, which was last updated in July 2005. No versions were ever released. SA-2P’s homepage can be found at, which is no longer active, and includes a few screenshots and videos of the mod in action, as well as a short FAQ.

  • During a co-op session in GTA San Andreas, neither of the players are able to aim or fire the Rocker Launcher or Sniper Rifle, due to the fact that the camera normally goes into viewfinder mode whenever they aim either of these weapons during a normal singleplayer session.
    • Furthermore, attempting to fire either of these weapons will result in the player repeatedly raising and lowering the weapon very quickly.
  • In GTA San Andreas, if the 2nd player decapitates CJ with a Katana slice to the head, when CJ respawns back in singleplayer mode, he will not have a head, and the blood spurt animation will continue to come out of his neck. This effect will last for the rest of the singleplayer session, and his head will remain that way even during cutscenes.
  • In GTA San Andreas, if both players are standing inside of a boat and engage in a “kiss”, during the kissing sequence, one of the players will be invisible. After the sequence ends, that same player will appear at the bottom of that body of water, below the boat.
  • In GTA San Andreas, if the second player tries using the Jetpack, his body may appear to be slightly deformed and unproportional. This is possibly due to the fact that the other character models must use a CJ-specific animation set when they use the Jetpack.
  • In mid-June 2005, a software patch for the game dubbed the “Hot Coffee mod” was released by Patrick Wildenborg (under the Internet alias “PatrickW”), a 38-year-old modder from the Netherlands. The name “Hot Coffee” refers to the way the released game alludes to the unseen sex scenes. In the unmodified game, the player takes his girlfriend to her front door and she asks him if he would like to come in for “some coffee”. He agrees, and the camera stays outside, swaying back and forth a bit, while moaning sounds are heard. After installing the patch, users can enter the main character’s girlfriends’ houses and engage in a crudely rendered, fully clothed or nude sexual intercourse mini-game. The fallout from the controversy resulted in a public response from high-ranking politicians in the United States and elsewhere and resulted in the game’s recall and re-release.On 20 July 2005, North America’s organisation who establish content ratings for video games, the ESRB, changed the rating of the game from Mature (M) to Adults Only (AO), making San Andreas the only mass-released AO console game in the United States. Rockstar announced that it would cease production of the version of the game that included the controversial content. Rockstar gave distributors the option of applying an Adults Only ESRB rating sticker to copies of the game, or returning them to be replaced by versions without the Hot Coffee content. Many retailers pulled the game off their shelves in compliance with their own store regulations that kept them from selling AO games. That same month in Australia, the Office of Film and Literature Classification revoked its original rating of MA15+, meaning that the game could no longer be sold there.[42]In August 2005, Rockstar North released an official “Cold Coffee” patch[43] for the PC version of the game and re-released San Andreas with the “Hot Coffee” scenes removed (Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Version 2.0), allowing the game to return to its “M” rating. The PlayStation 2 and Xbox versions have also been re-released with the “Hot Coffee” scenes removed in the Greatest Hits Edition, the Platinum Edition, the “Grand Theft Auto Trilogy Pack”[44] for Xbox and PlayStation 2, as well as a Special Edition for PlayStation 2 that includes the documentary film Sunday Driver. The updated game disc has “SECOND EDITION” text under the “M” rating logo.On 8 November 2007, Take-Two announced a proposed settlement to the class action litigation that had been brought against them following the Hot Coffee controversy. If the proposed settlement is approved by the court, neither Take-Two nor Rockstar would admit liability or wrongdoing. Consumers would be able to swap their AO-rated copies of the game for M-rated versions and may also qualify for a $35 cash payment upon signing a sworn statement.[45]A report in The New York Times on 25 June 2008 revealed that a total of 2,676 claims for the compensation package had been filed.

Rockstar released two follow-ups to San Andreas: Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, both by Rockstar Leeds. Unlike San Andreas and its predecessors, Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories were developed for the PlayStation Portable handheld, and there was no Windows or Xbox version although a PlayStation 2 port was released afterward. San Andreas thus marks the last major Grand Theft Auto release across the sixth-generation consoles to be produced by Rockstar North, as well as the last one to introduce an entirely new setting.

Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories are prequels to San Andreas’s predecessors, so both games derive their maps from Grand Theft Auto III and Vice City, respectively, each of which cover a considerably smaller area than San Andreas. Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories eliminated gameplay elements introduced in San Andreas, including the ability to swim (in Liberty City Stories, but reintroduced in a limited capacity in Vice City Stories) and climb. Both Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories include references to characters featured in San Andreas, with Liberty City Stories set about 6 years after the events of San Andreas (in that game, for example, radio reporter Richard Burns, featured in news bulletins in San Andreas, returns as a radio call-in guest) and Vice City Stories set about 8 years before the events of San Andreas. Except for news bulletins, radio programming in Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories does not change based upon player progress. While character customisation elements such as wardrobe changes are retained, for later games, Rockstar eliminated the need for the game protagonists to eat and exercise.[51]

San Andreas marked the technological pinnacle of the Grand Theft Auto III era (also known as the “3D Universe”) and also the end of that continuity (albeit for the handheld-focused Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories spinoffs). Rockstar launched a new canon (the “HD Universe”) with Grand Theft Auto IV and Grand Theft Auto V for the seventh-generation consoles. The celebrity voice acting that had been so prominent in the “3D Universe”, especially in Vice City and San Andreas, was scaled back in the “HD Universe”. Rockstar also took a new direction in the series, focusing on realism and details instead of greater area and added content. For instance, although the exploreable sandbox area is smaller than San Andreas, the main setting for Grand Theft Auto IV is comparable to San Andreas in terms of scope when “the level of verticality of the city, the number of buildings you can go into, and the level of detail in those buildings” are taken into account.[52] The goal for the HD Universe layout of Liberty City was to have no dead spots or irrelevant spaces, such as the wide open deserts found in San Andreas state.[51] Ars Technica wrote Grand Theft Auto IV’s “slight regression of the series from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is surprising: there are fewer vehicles, weapons, and story missions, less character customisation, and even the size of the city itself is smaller”.[53]

Los Santos, one of the three central cities in San Andreas, is the main location of the latest game in the franchise, Grand Theft Auto V.[54][55] Although GTA San Andreas included three cities separated by open countryside, Grand Theft Auto V included only one city, Los Santos, as well as adjoining countryside and desert areas.[56] By focusing their efforts on one city instead of three, the team were able to produce Los Santos in higher quality and at greater scale.[57] For both games, Los Angeles was used as the model for Los Santos,[58] but the team felt that the ambition of having three cities in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas was too great and that the game did not emulate the cities as well as they had hoped.[59] Houser elaborated that “to do a proper version of L.A., […] the game has to give you a sense of that sprawl — if not completely replicate it”, and dividing the budget and manpower between multiple cities would have detracted from capturing “what L.A. is”.[57] Garbut felt that in the PlayStation 2 era the team did not have the technical capabilities to capture Los Angeles properly, resulting in the San Andreas rendition of Los Santos feeling like a “backdrop or a game level with pedestrians randomly milling about”.[57] Therefore, the team disregarded San Andreas as a jumping-off point for Grand Theft Auto V, as they had moved on to a new generation of consoles since the former and wanted to build the city from scratch. As Garbut explained, with the move to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 hardware, “our processes and the fidelity of the world [had] evolved so much from San Andreas” that using it as a model would have been redundant.

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    Sukses per vllavin #Ahmet Csstrike <3

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      a Ka LLag Qekjo GTA

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        Nuk ka nese e ki pc e mire

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          Redon 8 years

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    Petrit Thaqi 8 years

    a o me misione a jo

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        Redon 8 years

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    Redon 8 years

    o admin me instalu gta po di po kur pe instaloj po hi tana apet n destov n winerear gta iliria 2017 po provoj me instalu qe ta qet aty e une po hi me instalu po kur po hi aty po mu mushet pak ajo vija qe ta qet mu mush e veq 3 a 4 perqind sedi sakt veq qekaq po mu mushet edhe pom qet diqka sitdush ta qoj nfotografi ama ti veq emrin nfb nese ki edhe ti e shef masanej tana vet

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    Bleri 7 years

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    albin gashi 7 years

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    albin gashi 7 years

    o admin a bon me instalu qet gta ne kompjuter apple iMac

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    MaLi 6 years

    pse spo bon linki o admin

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    spo bon linku rregulloje plsss

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    Itachi 3 years

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    aaa 2 years

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