Snow Plugins
Snow Plugins
Download : Click Here
This is a simple plug-AMXX, SO DO NOT COME WITH REPLYURI kind exist, anyone can make ETC
– I’ve created because it is very popular, and I posted here because of it!
Description: This plugin comes with Apart holidays, it will help you have a pleasant atmosphere on the server using the opportunity to remove these functions anytime you want both you and your customers through a menu (say / say_team / snowmenu) so configurable will you can set snow simplest abundant with function to snow or no snow in rooms and changing sky in a sky black with stars all controlled cVar + customers dv’s have the ability to set the menu if they refused to have snow or if you wish a normal or heavy snow!
Name: Advanced Snow & Sky
Version: 0.0.3
Official Link: my forum: P
Download: Click!
1. File advanced_snow.amxx put it in addons / amxmodx / plugins
2. Enter the file addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and add the following:
Cvar sites and Administrative Orders (add file amxmodx \ config \ amxx.cfg, or can be used in real time!):
amx_sky 1/0 – (Access to this cvar have only those with access to admin_rcon)
0 – Plugin off
1 – Displaying night sky with stars
2 – show only inserted Sky with stars
CAREFUL! Display / restore display will take place after changing map!
amx_snow 0/1 – (Start / Stop snow for all, access to this cvar have people from admin_ban up)
CAREFUL! Display / Removing snow for all will take effect after map change!
Info: To force it to take effect at the beginning of the round use Ævar: amx_snow_density info below.
This is not a permanent method players can manually start menu / snowmenu
amx_snow_density 0/1/2 DENSITY snow
CAREFUL! – The effects will be seen in a new beginning of the round and connecting a player Server!
– 0. No more snow for anyone!
– 1. Will it snows less and not in rooms
– 2. We snowing everywhere if you set one weather_type
amx_snow_msj 0/1 – The appearance of message information from the beginning of the round!
Info: The effects will be put in place.
– 0 not show message at the beginning of round!
– 1. Shows message for information about menu SNOW
REASON: Players will want to remove / put snow or is it more normal or abundant, each as you like!
Public commands (you can type in the game by pressing Y):
/ Snowmenu – displays the
command “/ snowmenu” is accessible to all players on the SAY (Y) and say_team (U)
CAREFUL! The effects will be modified in real time!
The menu has three options:
1. Snow: Yes / No (snowing: Yes / No) – enables customers if it wants to stop / start manually snow!
2. Weather: 1/2 (Abundance: 1/2) – allows customers to select normal or if he wants more abundant snow!
0. Exit (Exit)
Modules: (plugin will automatically load the module; fakemeta => fakemeta in modules.ini)
– fakemeta
Plugin CREATED FOR THE eXtreamCS.com and eXtream.Ro of (c) 2012 CryWolf
aNNakin – To solve a problem on the menu.
The source code available to anyone now!
1. I never plugin created with the intent to harm someone by having access to the server, so how I play CS / CZ: j
2. You do not need Sma because everything is configurable from cvars and the menu was included.
3. I explained very correct its functionality!
4. Functionality without error on AMX Mod X 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2
5. Do not put Asked Question related LAG lag because it does because it uses an existing entity in HL
Implementations in future versions
– Lightness (way to change brightness on the server)
– Sky (The possibility of changing the texture of the sky default)
– Wait and your desires’s