1. Christopher ‘GeT_RiGhT’ Alesund (Sweden)
If there were three years of competitive Counter-Strike then GeT_RiGhT would have been the biggest single player in the history of the game. Quite a bold statement to open this term with, right? From what I’ve seen from him in his career 1,6 and his work ethic, I’m almost fully convinced that it would have been the case. GeT_RiGhT 2009 never got the credit he deserved fully individually since he played with f0rest. And his 2010 fnatic won overlooked for major titles, and Na`Vi took the spotlight. In 2011, he could get in real conversations MVP, but then his team ran into a lost generation always Na`Vi or Poles, despite being capable of beating any other team in the world with almost certainty .
Neo, markeloff, trace and GeT_RiGhT players were more stable in recent years to CS 1.6, among the stars, but only GeT_RiGhT may even be able to bring that group, it was simply that much of an impact on seemingly every game. Even if SK lost in the semi-finals, you know GeT_RiGhT would have given them a chance to make it to the final or win the big game. His work ethic combined with the talent that he had, he would say he got his absolute skillset in a way few other players ever have in the history of this game.
With GeT_RiGhT this discussion was not a matter of “if”, it was simply a matter of “when”. He has gone on to dominate CS: GO can not be counted in his favor here, but I think it speaks to drive unparalleled level it should be better.
The Made in Brazil began in 2003 in Rio de Janeiro, at the initiative of the entrepreneur Paulo Velloso, who decided to invest in Counter-Strike team of his son. The team worked and now has the best players active in the country. The dream was to play in any of MIBR because the team was the highest point that a player could get his career. Few have succeeded. The most important is that the MIBR CS took the Brazilian to the attention of the world, consolidating the country as one of the powers in the electronic sports.
The MIBR will forever marked his name in the history of national and international Counter-Strike. It is the only Brazilian team (and South American) champion of the Electronic Sports World Cup (2006), competition considered the World Cup of electronic sports. They passed through here the best players in Brazil, who have won other important titles like shgOpen 2007, DreamHack Winter 2007 and GameGune 2008.
Was in MIBR who excelled Raphael Camargo, popularly known as “cogu” chosen in the poll conducted by the European portal HLTV.org in 2010 as the best player in the history of South America’s more,. Finished 2nd in the best AWP voting the last decade around the world, in a dispute with the Swedish apertadíssima Dennis “walle” Wallenberg. No wonder that “cogu” has always been the main representative of the mibr because it came from his mind the idea of the line-up that won the world title in 2006. Also dedicated to the team was like no other able.
We would like to thank the entire community who accompanied us over the years, which recognized the MIBR as a team of excellence, meaning victory. This was not always possible, and our crowd was present at the worst times we go through, either criticizing or supporting. We recognized the criticism as a demonstration of affection for that which is the largest organization of Counter-Strike that Brazil has ever had. The praises served to show that we were right and that the work was producing satisfactory results.
How many sleepless nights to watch the MIBR play, to see the Brazilians representing the green-and-yellow colors against the top teams in the world. The public that criticized, praised, suggested at last … truly twisted, our thanks.
Do not give up, do not fail, you lose. It is only the end of a cycle. A victorious cycle. But can not be goodbye, perhaps only one bye
June 19th, 1999 marked the birth of the gaming titan we all know and love, Counter-Strike. Originally, it was released as a Half-Life modification (mod) using Valve’s GldSrc engine. The two masterminds behind this eventual legendary game? Minh “Gooseman” Le and Jess “Cliffe” Cliffe. The two managed to draw some significant attention to the mod. So much so, that not a year later Le and Cliffe were hired by Valve to release the first retail version of the game in November of 2000.
With the help of Valve Corporation, the Counter-Strike title sold a staggering 4 million units in its 1.0 through 1.6 versions. Everyone had heard of the game if not played it, at one point or another. The gameplay itself was relatively simple; kill the other team. However, as the players spent countless hours running around the maps such as de_dust2, and cs_assault they were beginning to uncover the true potential for the game. Strategic positions, smoke grenades, flash grenades and even using the ability to stand on one anothers heads to gain a positional advantage. The community was a breeding ground for innovation. There were even mods within the game such as surfing, zombies, Warcraft 3 Mod and many more. Counter-Strike was a limitless source of fun with the amount of potential community driven content. On top of the various “casual” servers and game types, there came the competitive level. With leagues like CAL, CPL, and ESEA there were plenty of opportunities to play with like minded players. These companies were the beginning of CS eSports, offering prize money for those at the upper echelon. Even the semi-serious players had the ability to find some competitive style matches using the IRC channels #findscrim and #findringer.
Four years after its initial retail date, Valve released an updated version of the series called Counter-Strike: Condition Zero. Although the albeit new and more aesthetically pleasing game was for sale, the majority of the playerbase stuck with the original iteration of the game. Just eight months after its rather dreary figures, Valve revealed its new Source Engine, which many games we know and love are still running to this day. That being said, Valve stepped up and delivered the extremely successful Counter-Strike: Source in November of 2004. From this point on the playerbase was extremely segregated. Many players who joined the series in its early stages continued to play Counter-Strike 1.6 for its “hardcore” feel, while others shifted to the newer, arguably “easier” Source version.
Years came and went, certain leagues ceased to exist and the community was losing interest. With games such as Call of Duty and Battlefield producing a surplus of different FPS titles it left CS gamers longing. Missing that feeling of clutching that 1v2 and out-awping the enemy sniper with lightning fast reflexes. There was just something that the Counter-Strike franchise captured in its gameplay that other companies couldn’t reproduce. If you ask any avid CS player, most would agree it is the skill ceiling and necessary teamwork that comes with mastering the intricacies of a seemingly simple game at a complex level. Counter-Strike veterans began to lose hope for the series.
Then one day, it happened. August 21st, 2012 Valve breathed life into the series with the most promising title yet, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Initially players of the franchise were ecstatic at the thought of a new version of the game. However, after the initial hype, many players hoping for the ideal mix between 1.6’s gameplay and Source’s engine were left disappointed. After some time, Valve realized what needed to be done in order for the game to be as successful as its 1.6 counterpart. They needed community insight on the game, and thats just what they did. Countless players came together on forums across the web offering suggestions and even helping locate bugs for the developers to fix.
However this didn’t catapult the game to where it is now, that came with the ever controversial “Arms Deal Update.” Valve sent out an update for the game that enabled players to earn in-game skins for their favorite weapons. They can be earned via in-game random drops, or by purchasing “Keys” that unlock the “Cases” containing a random skin that can range from a bland pistol to skin to a very rare knife model. Some of the proceeds from purchases fund the CS:GO development as well as eSports events. This immediately drew in players who had put the game down to return once again and it only grew from there. With the opening of a popular betting website, players could bet their acquired skins on the results of matches throughout the scene. Many believed this to be a bad thing due to the unfortunate DDOS attacks that are very apparent as of late to swing results one way or another. On the other hand, this new niche in the game has given players even more of an opportunity to enjoy their time online through trading and working towards rewards. Not only has this new aspect brought back some older players and new fans as well, it completely skyrocketed the games spectator count. Dreamhack Summer 2014 had over 100,000 viewers on Twitch aside from the viewers at the venue itself. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive had over 2.6 million unique players in the month of May alone.
Counter-Strike as a franchise has come a long way since its creation in 1999, and at the rate which it is gaining players it is pretty safe to say it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. CS is once again taking its rightful place as one of the largest games in eSports at the moment, and with the help of players, developers, analysts and fanatics it will only continue to rise.
Edit: Wow, I didnt expect this many people to take the time to read and share their thoughts. Thank you all, and to those who offered criticism thank you as well. I hope to make my future pieces better because of it.
far cs osht qiky qi kan lu kta ? a admin
Kta jan special atyre qe lujn