Counter Strike 1.6 – Ilirida
Counter Strike 1.6 – Ilirida lspublic.com
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Counter-Strike 1.6 iLirida
AntiCheats UCP version 8.5
Pershendetje sot do tju tregoj per version e ri te CS iLirida Edition 2017, si gjithmone me risi dhe gjera sa me te mira per player qe e adhurojn kete loje, version 2017 ka disa gjera te reja , ky version eshte i gjithi ne gjuhen shqipe, keni nje GUI qe eshte i dizajnuar sa me mir qe eshte e mundur po ashtu edhe edhe risit e tjera qe do tju merr koh duke hulumtuar por kta po ju lo juve qe te download dhe te instalo dhe te shiko qe qfar permban brenda ky version.
csiLirida Edition 2017
* Engine build 4554
* Non-Steam Patch Version 44
* Protocol 48 – SteamID Numeric not required CDKey
* Clean Rip From Steam GCFs Models and Weapons.
* Compatibility with Windows XP, VISTA, Win7
* Compatibility with Anticheats UCP / sXe Injected / zBot’s
* Playable on Internet and LAN
* Working server browser with Internet, favorite and LAN tabs
*Texture HD MAP – de_dust2
*Texture HD MAP – de_nuke
*Texture HD MAP – de_train
*Texture HD MAP – de_inferno
* Some HUD ReDesign & Radar
* Professional Keyboard Commands
* Multiplayer Professional Advanced Commands
* FPS & Ping Booster Tutorial
* GUI Red&Black
* New GameStartup
* Spectator GUI New Red&Black
* Autoexec FPS & Ping Booster Configuration
Qite link me downloadu se nuk ka! 🙂
ca ja fusni kot nuk downloud pse rreni
Shiko mire 😀
Bravo ADMIN 😉
O pse nuk Ban me Instalu
Ban qysh sban une me to po luj super po punon
Po Windows XP e kam pse Spom ban
mu mka ba me dowmloadu po spom bon me hi ncs
Pse me demeke qka po te qet ?