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Ruajtja Parave
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Blood Money css
Money is a major gameplay mechanic featured in the Counter-Strike series. In most game modes, players use money as a currency to purchase various weapons and equipment from the buy menu in the buy zone.
Players start out a match with a specified amount, and will receive more as the match goes on, with the maximum possible amount a player can amass set to $16000. Money is provided for completing rounds regardless of being the victor or loser, but more currency is awarded for winning a round. On servers that use plugins to give players large cash reserves, money management is less important than in servers that do not artificially adjust them.
When looking at a player’s saved loadouts on the buy menu, any loadout that cannot be fully-purchased with the player’s current cash reserve will be slightly grayed-out, as will specific weapons and items in the categories of equipment. Often times, players may be forced to pick a different weapon selection than they prefer due to financial restrictions.
The amount of money the player owns is retained between rounds, and is only lost when the player buys equipment or incurs a penalty.
In most games and Global Offensive Competitive, the default starting money for a game is $800. In Global Offensive Casual, the default starting money for a game is $1000. Additionally, at the start of the warmup, players will have their money set to the money cap of the game mode.
The money system has been slightly updated in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive to award differing reward amounts for getting kills with certain weapons and currently any money gain/loss is noted above the player’s health in the HUD with text notifying what the change was for (such as “$300 awarded for planting the C4” or “$300 awarded for neutralizing an enemy with the M4A4”). In addition, if playing a Casual Mode game, all money awards for kills are halved.
Counter-Strike to Counter-Strike: Source
Kill reward
In all modes, killing an enemy player rewards $300 to the killer.
Objective rewards
In Hostage Rescue, Interacting with a hostage as a Counter-Terrorist rewards $150 to the player, but only the first time they interact with that specific hostage.
Rescuing a hostage as a Counter-Terrorist rewards $1000.
Round end rewards
In Bomb Defusal, the winning team receives $3250 if they won by eliminating the enemy team.
In Bomb Defusal, all Counter-Terrorists receive $3250 if they won running down the time.
In Bomb Defusal, all Counter-Terrorists receive $3600 if they won by defusing the bomb.
In Bomb Defusal, all Terrorists receive $3500 if they won by detonating the bomb.
In Hostage Rescue, the winning team receives $3600 if they won by eliminating the enemy team.
In Assassination, all Terrorists receive a $2500 reward if they won by killing the VIP.
In Assassination, all Counter-Terrorists receive a $2500 reward if they won by successfully guaranteeing the escape of the VIP.
The losing team receives:
$1400 after losing the first round
$1900 after losing 2 rounds in a row
$2400 after losing 3 rounds in a row
$2900 after losing 4 rounds in a row
$3400 after losing 5 or more rounds in a row
If the team that wins two consecutive rounds beforehand loses then they receive:
$1500 after losing the first round
$2000 after losing 2 rounds in a row
$2500 after losing 3 rounds in a row
$3000 after losing 4 or more rounds in a row
After the condition of a team winning two consecutive rounds is satisfied then the loss bonus money changes to above where their first loss means they receive $1500 and not $1400.
In Bomb Defusal, if Terrorists were able to plant the bomb but lose the round, all Terrorists receive an $800 bonus.
In Hostage Rescue, all Counter-Terrorists receive an $850 bonus for every hostage they rescue, even if they lose the round.
Every time the player injures a hostage the player will receive a -$150 penalty
Killing a hostage will result in a penalty of -$1500
Teamkilling will result in a penalty of -$3300, including killing the VIP as a CT
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
All information below only applies to Classic Modes (Casual and Competitive) as Arsenal and Deathmatch do not use money. The Money cap in Casual Mode has been changed to $10000 as opposed to $16000 in Competitive.