imessage plugin
imessage plugin
Download : Click Here
Special thanks to: hateYou, ConnorMcLeod, xPaw, darkspeed!
Description: shows permanent hud message to group of players or everyone.
Modules: no.
Version: 1.1
WARNING!!! The plugin requires at least AMX Mod X 1.8.0!
amx_permanent_message “Your/nadvertisement%new%here”
What to be the message?
You can use %new% or /n for new line.
amx_permanent_message_color “255 255 255”
Color of the message with RGB?
You can see codes here!
amx_permanent_message_location “3”
Where to be the message?
1: top-left(on the radar)
2: top-middle
3: top-right
4: middle-left
5: center
6: middle-right
7: bottom-left(over health)
8: bottom-middle(over timer)
9: bottom-right(over money)
amx_permanent_message_effects “0”
Effects of message?
0: fade in/out
1: scintillation
2: writing
amx_permanent_message_show “0”
To who send the permanent message?
0: everyone
1: not alive
2: alive
3: admins
4: players
5: alive admins
6: not alive admins
7: alive players
8: not alive players
amx_permanent_message_cmd “1”
To have the admin command “amx_perm_msg“?
Admin command:
amx_perm_msg “Your new message”
Set the permanent message. It have to “amx_permanent_message_cmd” = “1“. Requires “m” flag(ADMIN_LEVEL_A).
- 0.1
- First release.
- 0.2
- Added 1 cvar.
- amx_permanent_message_effects
- Added 1 cvar.
- 0.3
- Added string: %new%
- 0.3a
- Using ShowSyncHudMsg instead show_hudmessage.
- 1.0
- The plugin works with set_task в plugin_init.
- Added 2 cvars.
- amx_permanent_message_location
- amx_permanent_message_show
- Modified 2 cvars.
- amx_permanent_message
- amx_permanent_message_color
- 1.1
- Added 1 cvar.
- amx_permanent_message_cmd
- Added admin command.
- amx_perm_msg.
- Added 1 cvar.