Anti-Flood-System 2.0FixV2
Anti-Flood-System 2.0FixV2
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After major studies which Flood script how it works which respects how I managed to do the most good protection Flood scripting attacks. So prevented lagvaniyata and crash that can cause similar scripts. No sense spoken of why no .sma. Let me put it this way: “On which is useful plugin let’s use it!”
Server Commands / Cvars:
antiflood_reason_type – What reason displayed when a player gets banned, etc: the Default = ‘The Flood the Do not NOOB!’
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antiflood_ban_length – For how many minutes to stop server access Player Default = ‘1’
4.0 – Completely new method for detection of CMD / CFG Flood – tests are passed successfully can see them here
* Added Cvar which determines how long to be banned player who is found to Flood
1. Protection Cmd / Cfg Flood
2. Plugin makes log file with information about each who tried to flood the server. Logos is located in the logs folder amxmodx
1. darkspeed – That the reported bug in the plugin
2. You Suck;] – For the new type Flood who sent me
3. 3emu – For the new type Flood who sent me
plugin is tested by me (@kostov) with quite types Flood.cfg-th and WORKS!
/ Pluginu protect against the flood by CFG, it is designed to scan and identify the player using the command fullupdate
// 0 – Unlock
// 1 – a customer receives Kick
// 2 – x min client receives the IP Ban
// 3 – The customer gets TIMEOUT
llgfunctions_cfgfloodfix 1
// The plugin scans and identify flood controls when they are executed
// 0 – Unlock
// 1 – a customer receives Kick
// 2 – x min client receives the IP Ban
// 3 – The customer gets TIMEOUT
llgfunctions_cfgfloodcmd 1
// The plugin provides protection against type expoitului AUTOBUY!
// 0 – Unlock
// 1 – Enabled protection
llgfunctions_autobuyfix 1
// The plugin scans Pota playerii not abuse the radio controls, these controls creates excess flood
// 0 – Off protection
// <Value> – The time playerii will have to wait to send another message by radio, by default five seconds
llgfunctions_radiofloodcmd 5
// Delete and rewrite plugin file ‘vault.ini’ which hampers maps change, even when it exceeds a few KB. You must set by a cvar language used by your server to be added after deleting the file
// 0 – server_language ro
// 1 – en server_language
llgfunctions_vaultlanguage 1