Grand Theft Auto – V
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Grand Theft Auto V is an open world action-adventure video game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. It was released on 17 September 2013 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on 18 November 2014 for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and on 14 April 2015 for Microsoft Windows. The main game is the first entry in the Grand Theft Auto series SINCE 2008’s Grand Theft Auto IV. Fictional Set Within the state of San Andreas, based on Southern California, the single-player story Follows three Criminals and Their Efforts to commit heists the while under pressure from a government agency. The open world design lets players roam San Andreas’s bMerI open countryside and Fictional city of Los Santos, based on Los Angeles.
The game is played from either a first-person or third-person view and its world is navigated on foot or by vehicle. Players control the three lead protagonists throughou single-player and switch between say Both during and outside of missions. The story is centered on the heist sequences, and Many missions involv shooting and driving gameplay. A “wanted” system governs the aggression of Law Enforcement WHO response to players commit Crimes. Grand Theft Auto Online, the online multiplayer mode, lets up to 30 players explore the open world and ENGAGE in cooperative or competitive game matches.
Development Began soon after Grand Theft Auto IV’s release and Was shared between Many of Rockstar’s studios Worldwide. The development team drew influence from previous projects Many of Their Such as Red Dead Redemption and Max Payne 3, and designed the game around three lead protagonists to innovate on the core structure of Its predecessors. Much of the development work constituted the open world’s creation, and Several team members conducted field research around California to capture footage for the design team. The game’s soundtrack features an original score Composed by a team of Producers Several WHO collaborated over years.
Extensively marketed and widely anticipated, the game industry broke sales records and became the fastest-selling entertainment product in history, Earning US $ 800 million in Its first day and US $ 1 billion in Its first three days. It Received Widespread Critical Acclaim, with praise Directed protagonist at its multiple design, open world, presentation and gameplay. It caused controversies related to Its depiction of women and a mission featuring a hostage During interrogation torture. Considered one of seventh generation console gaming’s most significant titles, and by Many Critics and gamers to swear one of the best games ever made, it won accolades year-end Including Game of the Year awards from gaming Several publications. It has shipped over 65 million copies and is one of the best-selling video games of all time.
Grand Theft Auto V is an action-adventure game [2] played from either a first-person [3] [b] or third-person view. [4] Players complete missions-linear scenarios with set Objectives-to progress through the story. [5] Outside of missions, players may bMerI roam the open world. Composed of the San Andreas open countryside area and the Fictional city of Los Santos, the world is much larger in area than Earlier entries in the series. [6] [c] It May Be fully explored after the game’s Beginning without restriction, although story progress gameplay unlocks more content.
Players use Melee attacks, firearms and explosives to fight Enemies, [d] and may run, jump, swim or use vehicles to navigate the world. [E] To accommodate the map’s size, the game introduces vehicle types absent in Its predecessor Grand Theft auto IV, Such as fixed-wing aircraft. [11] Auto-aim and a cover system May Be Against Enemies used as assistance in combat. [12] Should players take damage, Will Their health meter to gradually Regenerate Its halfway point. [F] Players respawn at Hospitals When Their health depletes. [10] If players commit the while playing Crimes, Law Enforcement Agencies Respond may as indicated by a “wanted” meter in the head-up display (HUD). [13] Stars Displayed on the meter indicate the current wanted level (for example, at the maximum five-star level, police Helicopters and SWAT teams swarm to lethally dispatch players). [14] [g] Law Enforcement Officers Will search for players WHO leave the wanted vicinity. The meter enters a cooldown mode and Eventually recedes When players are hidden from the Officers’ line of sight (as Displayed on the mini-map). [16] [h]
The single-player mode lets players control three characters: Michael De Santa, Trevor Philips and Franklin Clinton Whose Criminals broke the stories interconnect as complete missions. Some missions are completed with only one character and others feature two or three. [18] Throughou single-player, players may switch between the protagonists at Will by Means of a directional compass on the HUD. The game may automatically switch between characters in single-player missions to complete CERTAIN Objectives. A character’s avatar Will flash red compass f he is in danger and needs help, and flash white f he has a Strategic advantage. [19] Though players complete missions or any of the three protagonists, the more requir Difficult missions heist aid from AI-controlled accomplices with unique skill sets like computer hacking and driving. If an accomplice survives a Successful heist, They take a cut from the cash reward [20] and may be available for later missions with improvements to developer’s unique skills. [21] Differentiation Strategies in heist mission is Encouraged; in a holdup mission, players may either stealthily subdue Civilians with an incapacitating agent or conspicuously storm the venue with guns drawn. [22]
Each character has a set of eight That Represent Their skills CERTAIN Ability in Areas Such as shooting and driving. Improve skills through play though, Each character has a skill with Expertise by default (i.e. Trevor’s flying skill). [23] The eighth “special” skill determines the Effectiveness in performing an Ability That is unique to respective Each character. Michael enters bullet time in combat, Franklin While driving slows down time, and Trevor deals twice as much Damage to Enemies While taking half as much in combat. [24] A meter on Each character’s HUD depletes When an Ability is being used and regenerates When skilful players Perform actions (for example, in vehicles or drifting or pulling off headshots Franklin or Michael). [25]
While free roaming the game world, players may ENGAGE in context-specific Activities Such as scuba diving underwater or via Parachute BASE jumping. Each character has a smartphone for contacting friends, starting Activities and Accessing an in-game Internet. [26] The Internet lets players trade in stocks via a stock market. [27] Such players may purchase properties or homes and Businesses, upgrade the weapons and vehicles in Each character’s arsenal, and customize the appearance by Purchasing Their outfits, haircuts, tattoos and jewelery.
Nine years after a botched robbery in Ludendorff, North Yankton, Former bank robber Michael Townley lives under witness protection with his family in Los Santos, San Andreas, under the alias Michael De Santa. He later meets and befriends a gangbanger When the Latter Franklin Clinton Attempts to fraudulently repossess His son’s car on BEHALF of a Corrupt Armenian car salesman. When Michael discovers Amanda His wife has been sleeping with her tennis coach, he chases the coach to a mansion and destroys it out of anger. The mansion’s owner turns out to swear the girlfriend of Mexican drug lord Martin Madrazo, WHO Demands Compensation under the Threat of further violence. Michael goes back Into a life of crime to Obtain the money and enlists Franklin as an accomplice. Together, They perform a jewelery shop heist to help pay the debt. Michael’s sole surviving partner in the Ludendorff robbery, Trevor Philips, Hears of the jewelery heist and realises That It Was Michael’s handiwork. The two reunite after Trevor Michael tracks down in Los Santos.
The personal lives of the protagonists begin to spiral out of control. Michael’s increasingly erratic behavior prompts to leave Him His family, and his attempts are added to make something of an unknown quantity Bring Him Into conflict with Devin Weston, a self-made billionaire venture capitalist and corporate raider WHO develops a grudge Against Him. Weston vows revenge after His lawyer dies in an accident That Michael is blamed for. His friend Franklin Lamar Davis rescues from friend Harold Former gangster and “Stretch” Joseph, the WHO repeatedly to kill Lamar Attempts to test himself to His Brethren. Trevor’s reckless Efforts to consolidate His control over Various black Markets in Blaine County see Him Waging War Against the San Andreas chapter of The Lost outlaw motorcycle club, a number of Latin American street gangs, rival meth dealers, government-sponsored mercenaries and Triad kingpin Wei Cheng.
Federal Investigation Bureau (FIB) government agents Dave Norton and Steve Haines contact Michael and demand That he perform a series of operations with Franklin and Trevor to undermine a rival agency, the International Affairs Agency (IAA). [I] Under Haines’ direction, They attack an armored Convoy carrying Funds intended for the IAA and raid a bank Containing the payroll for all police and public Corrupt Officials in Los Santos. As Haines comes under increasing scrutiny for His methods, he forces Franklin and Michael to infiltrate the headquarters and FIB Erase any evidence from being used developer’s servers Against Him. Michael takes the Opportunity to wipe any data on his own Activities, Destroying Haines’ leverage over Him. The trio start Most Planning Their daring feat ever: raiding the Union Depository’s gold bullion reserve.
Michael Makes amends with his family and They start living together again after returning to Los Santos. Meanwhile, Trevor discovers a Former Ludendorff That heist accomplice, Brad Snider, wasn’t in prison as he Was led to believe, soft Killed During the heist and Buried in the women Marked for Michael. Trevor’s Feelings of betrayal friction Cause Within the group and threaten to undermine Depository Their Plans Union. When Michael and Norton, Both of Whom are Betrayed by Haines, are caught in a Mexican standoff between the FIB, IAA and private security firm Merryweather, Trevor aids in Their escape, holding That only he has the right to kill Michael. On Despite not forgiving Michael, Trevor still wants to Perform the Union Depository heist; the duo agree to part Ways afterwards.
The Union Successfully Depository heist is completed, soft Franklin is approached by two Parties Separately WHO That demand he kill Trevor or Michael. Haines and Norton contend That Trevor is a liability, and Weston wants retribution for Michael’s betrayal. Franklin has three Choices: kill Michael, Trevor kill or kill Their Enemies neither and face together. Should either Michael or kill Franklin Trevor, he ceases contact with the survivor and returns to bis old life. [30] [31] Should he kill neither, the trio withstand an Onslaught from the FIB and Merryweather Before going on to kill Haines, Stretch, Cheng and Weston. Michael and Trevor reconcile, and the three soft Cease Remain friends working together.
Began to Develop North Rockstar Grand Theft Auto V in 2009 Following Grand Theft Auto IV’s release. [33] Was Development conducted by a team of more than 1,000 people, Including Rockstar North’s core team and staff from Rockstar Games parent company’s studios around the world. [34] The proprietary Rockstar Advanced Game Engine (RAGE) Was overhauled for the game to Improve Its draw distance rendering capabilities. [35] The Euphoria and Bullet handle additional software animation and rendering tasks. [36] Having Become familiar with the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 hardware over time, found Rockstar They Were Able to push the consoles’ graphical capabilities further than in previous games. [37] Analyst estimations place the game’s combined development and marketing budget at more than £ 170 million (US $ 265 million), Which Would make it the Most Expensive That game ever made at time. [38] [j]
The open world Was modelled on Southern California and Los Angeles, [40] and its design and in-game render constituted much of the game’s early work. [41] Key members of the production team game world Took research field trips throughou the region and Their research documented with photo and video footage. [37] Google Maps of Los Angeles Were projections used by the team to help design Los Santos’s road networks. [42] [43] To Reflect and reproduct Los Angeles’s demographic spread, the developers studied census data and watched Documentaries about the city. [35] The team considered the open world Creating The Most technically demanding aspect of the game’s production. [33]
A fundamental design goal from the the outset Was to innovate on the series’s core structure by giving players control of three lead protagonists Instead of one. [41] The idea Was Raised During first Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas’s development, hardware contemporaneous soft Restrictions made it infeasible. [44] Developer Having two Grand Theft Auto IV episodic expansion packs featuring new protagonists in 2009, the team wanted to base the Grand Theft Auto V controlled simultaneously around three protagonists. [11] The team viewed it as a spiritual Successor To Many of developer’s previous games (Such as Grand Theft Auto IV, Red Dead Redemption and Max Payne 3), and designed it to Improve Their upon gameplay mechanics. [19] [45] They sought to Improve the action by Refining the shooting gameplay mechanics and cover system, [46] and reworked to correct the driving mechanics Grand Theft Auto IV’s Difficult vehicle controls. [47]
After an audition process, Ned Luke, Shawn Fonteno and Steven Ogg Were selected to portray Michael, Franklin and Trevor, respectively. [48] Were Their performance recorded mostly using motion capture technology, [49] but dialogue for scenes with characters seated in vehicles Was Instead recorded in the studio. [50] The game is the first in Its series to feature an original score, Composed by a team of Producers, collaborating with other Each Several years over. [51] Licensed music Provided by an in-game radio Also is used. [52] The team more than 241 licensed tracks shared between fifteen radio stations, with an additional two Providing talk radio stations. Some of the tracks Were Written Specifically for the game, Such as rapper and producer Flying Lotus’s original work Composed for the FM radio station FlyLo he hosts. [53]
Was the first game by Rockstar Games Announced on 25 October 2011. [54] Its debut trailer They released one week later, [55] with an official press release acknowledging Its setting. [56] Journalists noted continuing Widespread That anticipation the announcement ignited Within the gaming industry, Which They owed to the cultural significance of the series. [57] [58] [59] The game missed Q2 2013 Projected Its original release date pushed back to 17 September to Allow for further polishing. [60] To spur sales pre-order game, Rockstar collaborated with Several retail outlets to make a special edition with extra in-game features. [61] They ran a viral marketing strategy with a website for a Fictional religious cult, “The Epsilon Program,” That Offered users the chance to feature in the game as members of the cult.
A re-release of the game for Microsoft Windows Was Announced (PC), PlayStation 4 and Xbox at E3 2014. This enhanced version features an increased draw distance, texture finer details, denser traffic, weather effects upgraded, and new wildlife and vegetation . [63] It Includes a new on-foot first-person view option, Which required the development team to Overhaul the animation system to accommodate first-person gameplay. [3] The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions Were released on 18 November 2014. [64] The PC version, initially scheduled for simultaneous release with the console versions, [63] Was delayed Until 14 April 2015. [65] According to Rockstar, it required extra development time for “polish”. [66] The PC version is Capable of 60 frames per second gameplay at 4K resolution, and the Rockstar Editor lets players capture and edit gameplay videos