Rifle Pack Weapons
Rifle Pack Weapons
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Hello everyone and welcome to the “**Map Install Guide**” by yours truly, please note that this guide is for the absolute _n00b_, in case you don’t know how to install maps, you just hit the right spot here on GB. This guide will ensure that you will never need to find out how to install a map ever, and you will understand this guide with extreme ease!
So, let us begin!
It is **really** simple. I created a simple table to let you guys understand easily. Just Unzip the given file and place the specific file in the specified directory! Easy as 1 2 3.
*.unr and *.ut2 files GO IN —————-> Maps\
*.utx files GO IN ———————-> Textures\
*.umx and *.ogg files GO IN ————–> Music\
*.uax files GO IN ———————–> Sounds\
*.u, *.int, and *.ini files GO IN ———-> System\
*.usx files GO IN ——————> StaticMeshes\
*.ukx files GO IN ——————–> Animations\
*.ka files GO IN ————————> Karma\
*.upx files GO IN ———————-> Prefabs\
So, there you have it. I tried to keep it as simple as possible; _keeping a n00b in mind_.
I hope this tut helps you out!
Feel free to ask me for any problems that you may encounter! ^^
_PS: I posted a tut almost as same this for UT2k4, but, since both of the games use the same game-engine, therefore, this tut is valid for both of them!_
You read the tutorial successfully!