Team Semiclip v3.1.1
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Added Team Semiclip, only for 1 team or both with enemy trespass or not.
Hostages are supported too. Semiclip can activate on button press, the
button himself you can customize. Boosting can be allowed or not.
If team switching in mid-round so updating the team instandly, with
unstuck feature. Preparation or Duration feature have a own unstuck
algorithm. Knife trace to next enemy when you stay inside a teammate and
aiming a enemy. Many render functions with constant or fading features,
for ct’s, terrors, admins, hostages and vip, visual for all alive, death
and spectating players.
And the biggest feature is this plugin has a fix that stop the
entity movement stop glitch to setup all, use the editor.
Mods: Counter-Strike 1.6 or Condition-Zero
Metamod: Version 1.21 or later
AMXX: Version 1.8.2 or later
Module: cstrike, engine, fakemeta, hamsandwich
// ———————————
// ——– Counter-Strike ———
// ————— & —————
// ——– Condition Zero ———
// ———————————
// Team Semiclip 3.1.0 Config File
// ———————————
// Any changes you make here will be
// automatically loaded at map start
echo Executing Team Semiclip 3.1.0 Configuration File
// General
// ——-
semiclip 1 // [0-disabled / 1-enabled]
semiclip_block_team 0 // Which team has semiclip (look cs_team_semiclip_info.txt for more information) [0-both have / 1-Terror don’t have / 2-CT don’t have / 3-Both don’t have]
semiclip_enemies 0 // Trespass enemies [0-disabled / 1-enabled]
semiclip_radius 250.0 // Semiclip radius [85.041168212890625 – 14116.23535156249]
// Button
// IMPORTANT: Priority is semiclip_block_team > semiclip_button!
// ————————————————————-
semiclip_button 0 // Button semiclip (look cs_team_semiclip_info.txt for more information) [0-disabled / 1-Terror / 2-CT / 3-Both]
semiclip_button_trigger 32 // What button’s trigger semiclip (look cs_team_semiclip_info.txt for more information)
semiclip_button_anti_boost 1 // Anti boost if players are inside each other [0-disabled / 1-enabled]
// Unstuck
// IMPORTANT: Unstuck trigger only on Preparation ends, Duration ends and Team change Event!
// —————————————————————————————–
semiclip_unstuck 4 // Unstuck [0-disabled / 1-specified team / 2-csdm / 3-random around own place / 4-trespass]
semiclip_unstuck_render 1 // Effect unstuck 4 only (trespass) – Render enemies [0-disabled / 1-enabled]
semiclip_unstuck_delay 0 // Unstuck delay in seconds (0.1 – 3.0) [0-instant]
// Hostage
// ——-
semiclip_hostage 0 // Hostage semiclip [0-disabled / 1-Terror / 2-CT / 3-Both]
// Other
// IMPORTANT: Duration has higher priority as Preparation!
// ——————————————————-
semiclip_knife_trace 0 // Knife trace to next enemy when you stay inside a teammate and aiming a enemy [0-disabled / 1-enabled]
semiclip_preparation 0 // Specifies time for “no one block” at the beginning of each round in seconds [0-disabled this option]
semiclip_duration 0 // Specifies time to force this plugin only to works at the beginning of each round in seconds [0-disabled this option]
// Render
// ——
semiclip_render 0 // Render options [0-disabled / 1-normal / 2-fade]
semiclip_render_free_look 1 // Render players in free look mode [0-disabled / 1-enabled]
// Render -Normal-
// —————
semiclip_normal_mode 1 // Normal mode (look amxconst.inc -> Render for set_user_rendering) [0-5]
semiclip_normal_fx 19 // Normal fx (look amxconst.inc -> Fx for set_user_rendering) [0-20]
semiclip_normal_amt 4 // Normal amount [0-255]
semiclip_normal_spec 0 // Render for current spectating player [0-disabled / 1-enabled]
// Render -Fade-
// ————-
semiclip_fade_mode 2 // Fade mode (look amxconst.inc -> Render for set_user_rendering) [0-5]
semiclip_fade_fx 0 // Fade fx (look amxconst.inc -> Fx for set_user_rendering) [0-20]
semiclip_fade_min 130 // Min fade (stay inside other player or spectating player) [0-255]
semiclip_fade_max 225 // Max fade [0-255]
semiclip_fade_spec 0 // Render fade for current spectating player [0-disabled / 1-enabled]
// Color
// IMPORTANT: Color priority is Vip > Admin > Normal!
// ————————————————–
semiclip_color_admin_flag “b” // Admin color access flag (look user.ini, b – reservation)
semiclip_color_admin_ter “255 63 63” // Admin terror render color “RRR GGG BBB” [0-255]
semiclip_color_admin_ct “153 204 255” // Admin ct render color “RRR GGG BBB” [0-255]
semiclip_color_ter “255 63 63” // Terror render color “RRR GGG BBB” [0-255]
semiclip_color_ct “153 204 255” // CT render color “RRR GGG BBB” [0-255]
semiclip_color_hos “192 148 32” // Hostage render color “RRR GGG BBB” [0-255]
semiclip_color_vip “192 148 32” // CT VIP render color “RRR GGG BBB” [0-255]