How to Update AntiCheats 8.2
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A key component among tablet computers with touch input on a touchscreen. This allows the user to navigate easily and type with a virtual keyboard on the screen or press other icons on the screen to open apps or files. The first tablet to do this was the GRiDPad by GRID Systems Corporation; The tablet featured both a stylus, a pen-like tool to aid with precision and a touchscreen device as well as an on-screen keyboard. [60] The system must respond to touches rather than clicks of a keyboard or mouse, which allows integrated hand-eye operation, the natural use of the somatosensory system. [61] [62] [63] This is even more true of 2016-era multi-touch interface, which often emulates the way objects behave.
Some ARM powered tablets, such as the Galaxy Note 10, support a stylus and handwriting recognition support. Wacom and N-trig digital pens provide approximately 2500 DPI resolution for handwriting, exceeding the resolution of capacitive touch screens by more than a factor of 10th These pens also support pressure sensitivity, allowing for “variable-width stroke-based” characters, such as Chinese / Japanese / Korean writing, due to their built-in capability of “pressure sensing”. Pressure is also used in digital art applications such as Autodesk Sketchbook. [64] [65] Apps exist on both iOS and Android platforms for handwriting recognition and in 2015 Google introduced its own handwriting input with support for 82 languages. [66]
Touchscreen hardware
Touchscreens usually come in one of two forms:
Resistive touchscreens are passive and respond to pressure on the screen. They allow a high level of precision, useful and emulating a pointer (as is common in tablet computers) but may require calibration. Because of the high resolution, a stylus or fingernail is often used. Stylus-oriented systems are less suited to multi-touch.
Capacitive touchscreens tend to be less accurate, but more responsive than resistive devices. Because they require a conductive material, such as a finger tip, for input, they are not common among stylus-oriented devices, but are prominent on consumer devices. Most finger-driven capacitive screens do not currently support pressure input (except for the iPhone 6S), but some tablets use a pressure-sensitive stylus pen or active. [67]
Some tablets can recognize individual palms, while some professional-grade tablets use pressure-sensitive films, such as those on graphics tablets. Some capacitive touch-screens can detect the size of the touched area and the pressure used.
s of 2016, most tablets use capacitive touchscreens with multi-touch, unlike earlier resistive touchscreen devices which users needed to styluses to input. After 2007, with access to capacitive screens and the success of the iPhone, other features became common, such as multi-touch features (in which the user can touch the screen and multiple places to trigger actions and other natural user interface features, as well as flash memory solid state storage and “instant on” warm-booting, external USB and Bluetooth keyboards defined tablets. Some tablets have a 3G mobile telephony applications. Most tablets released since mid-2010 use a version of an ARM processor for longer battery life. The ARM Cortex family is powerful enough for tasks such as internet browsing, light production work and mobile games. [69] as with smartphones, most mobile tablet apps are supplied through online distribution. These sources, known as “app stores”, provide centralized catalogs of software and allow a “one click” on-device software purchasing, installation and updates. The app store is often shared with smartphones that use the same operating system. [70] [71]
High-definition, anti-glare display
Front- and / or back-facing camera (s) for photographs and video
Lower weight and longer battery life than a comparably-sized laptop
Wireless local area and internet connectivity (usually with a Wi-Fi standard and optional mobile broadband)
Bluetooth for connecting peripherals and communicating with local devices
Ports for wired connections and charging, for example USB ports
Early devices had IR support and could work as a TV remote controller.
Docking station: Keyboard and additional connections
Special hardware: The tablets can be equipped with special hardware to provide functionality, such as camera, GPS and local data storage.
Mobile web browser
E-book readers for digital books, periodicals and other content
App store for adding apps such as games, education and utilities
Portable media player function including video and music playback
Email and social media
Some have mobile phone functions (messaging, a speakerphone, address book)
data storage
On-board flash memory
Ports for removable storage
Various cloud storage services for backup and syncing data across devices
Local storage on a LAN
Additional inputs
Besides a touchscreen and keyboard, some tablets can also use these input methods:
Accelerometer: Detects the physical movement and orientation of the tablet. This allows the touchscreen display to shift to either portrait or landscape mode. In addition, tilting the tablet may be used as an input (for instance to steer and a driving game)
Ambient light and proximity sensors, to detect if the device is close to something, in particular, to your ear, etc., which help to distinguish between intentional and unintentional touches.
Speech recognition Google introduced voice input and Android 2.1 and 2009 and voice actions and 2.2 in 2010, with up to five languages (now around 40). [72] Siri was introduced as a system-wide personal assistant on the iPhone 4S and 2011 and now supports nearly 20 languages. In both cases the voice input is sent to central servers to perform general speech recognition and therefore requires a network connection for more than simple commands.
Gesture recognition
Character recognition to write text on the tablets, that can be stored as any other text and the intended storage, instead of using a keyboard.
Near field communication with other compatible devices including ISO / IEC 14443 RFID tags
Patches for proprietary software are typically distributed as executable files instead of source code. This type of patch modifies the program executable—the program the user actually runs—either by modifying the binary file to include the fixes or by completely replacing it.
Patches can also circulate in the form of source code modifications. In this case, the patches usually consist of textual differences between two source code files, called “diffs”. These types of patches commonly come out of open-source projects. In these cases, developers expect users to compile the new or changed files themselves.
Because the word “patch” carries the connotation of a small fix, large fixes may use different nomenclature. Bulky patches or patches that significantly change a program may circulate as “service packs” or as “software updates”. Microsoft Windows NT and its successors (including Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7) use the “service pack” terminology.
Historically, software suppliers distributed patches on paper tape or on punched cards, expecting the recipient to cut out the indicated part of the original tape (or deck), and patch in (hence the name) the replacement segment. Later patch distributions used magnetic tape. Then, after the invention of removable disk drives, patches came from the software developer via a disk or, later, CD-ROM via mail. With the widely available Internet access, downloading patches from the developer’s web site or through automated software updates became often available to the end-users. Starting with Apple’s Mac OS 9 and Microsoft’s Windows ME, PC operating systems gained the ability to get automatic software updates via the Internet.
Computer programs can often coordinate patches to update a target program. Automation simplifies the end-user’s task – they need only to execute an update program, whereupon that program makes sure that updating the target takes place completely and correctly. Service packs for Microsoft Windows NT and its successors and for many commercial software products adopt such automated strategies.
Some programs can update themselves via the Internet with very little or no intervention on the part of users. The maintenance of server software and of operating systems often takes place in this manner. In situations where system administrators control a number of computers, this sort of automation helps to maintain consistency. The application of security patches commonly occurs in this manner.
The size of patches may vary from a few kilobytes to hundreds of megabytes; thus, more significant changes imply a larger size, though this also depends on whether the patch includes entire files or only the changed portion(s) of files. In particular, patches can become quite large when the changes add or replace non-program data, such as graphics and sounds files. Such situations commonly occur in the patching of computer games. Compared with the initial installation of software, patches usually do not take long to apply.
In the case of operating systems and computer server software, patches have the particularly important role of fixing security holes. Some critical patches involve issues with drivers.[4] Patches may require prior application of other patches, or may require prior or concurrent updates of several independent software components. To facilitate updates, operating systems often provide automatic or semi-automatic updating facilities. Completely automatic updates have not succeeded in gaining widespread popularity in corporate computing environments, partly because of the aforementioned glitches, but also because administrators fear that software companies may gain unlimited control over their computers.[citation needed] Package management systems can offer various degrees of patch automation.
Usage of completely automatic updates has become far more widespread in the consumer market, due largely[citation needed] to the fact that Microsoft Windows added support for them[when?], and Service Pack 2 of Windows XP (available in 2004) enabled them by default. Cautious users, particularly system administrators, tend to put off applying patches until they can verify the stability of the fixes. Microsoft (W)SUS support this. In the cases of large patches or of significant changes, distributors often limit availability of patches to qualified developers as a beta test.
Applying patches to firmware poses special challenges, as it often involves the provisioning of totally new firmware images, rather than applying only the differences from the previous version. The patch usually consists of a firmware image in form of binary data, together with a supplier-provided special program that replaces the previous version with the new version; a motherboard BIOS update is an example of a common firmware patch. Any unexpected error or interruption during the update, such as a power outage, may render the motherboard unusable. It is possible for motherboard manufacturers to put safeguards in place to prevent serious damage; for example, the upgrade procedure could make and keep a backup of the firmware to use in case it determines that the primary copy is corrupt (usually through the use of a checksum, such as a CRC).
Video games receive patches to fix compatibility problems after their initial release just like any other software, but they can also be applied to change game rules or algorithms. These patches may be prompted by the discovery of exploits in the multiplayer game experience that can be used to gain unfair advantages over other players. Extra features and game play tweaks can often be added. These kinds of patches are common in first-person shooters with multiplayer capability, and in MMORPGs, which are typically very complex with large amounts of content, almost always rely heavily on patches following the initial release, where patches sometimes add new content and abilities available to players. Because the balance and fairness for all players of an MMORPG can be severely corrupted within a short amount of time by an exploit, servers of an MMORPG are sometimes taken down with short notice in order to apply a critical patch with a fix.