Admin Base Plugins
Admin Base Plugins
Download  : Click Here
Current Version: 1.1.1
Original concept for this plugin: (just for shits and giggles)
All of these people tried to contribute in some way:
Martel (thx)
Changes from previous versions:
* (1.1.1) Fixed the “resetHud” missing problem (:Martel)
* (1.0.1) Fixed models not changing after a while
* (1.0.1) Fixed VIP bug
Plans for next major version (v2):
* Fix that stupid you have to wait a round before model is changed — thing.
* CVAR or command to turn plugin off / reset models
You MUST download the models at the bottom of this post.
Unless you are using your own..
Originated as a simple idea back in 2004, it was forgotten due to
## lack of my ‘Small’ coding skills. However I have progressed in recent
## months and somehow crossed that old post with this concept in it. So
## naturally I challenged myself to see if I could do it, and voila! I
## could 🙂
## Once you join, you play a normal person for the first round, and for
## all remaining rounds your CT or TE models are custom. They now read
## “ADMIN” on front and back, and also have small “A” patches on the arms.
## I designed these models myself, it’s very easy, just bring the textures
## into photoshop, tweak out, and replace.
## Enjoy!
## 2) v1.1.1 – Fixed missing event
## 1) v1.1.0 – Fixed VIP and other model bugs
## 1) Unzip (which you may have done already)
## 2) Place ‘amx_adminmodel.amxx’ in ‘cstrike/addons/amxmodx/plugins’
## 3) Add a line in ‘configs/plugins.ini’ containing ‘amx_adminmodel.amxx’
## 4) Put the ‘admin_ct’ and ‘admin_te’ folders into ‘cstrike/models’ folder
## 5) — Visit www.SteamTools.net and enjoy your new plugin!
## No CVARs for this plugin 🙂
It is forbidden to swear or insult other players and it doesn’t matter in which chat! Respect others like you respect yourself.
Racism is not tolerated.
It is strictly forbidden to use nick: ISIS.
It is strictly forbidden to use any type of cheats, scripts which ease gameplay.
It is strictly forbidden to use Ventrilo (VT ) , Skype : Public, WAR3 servers. :headset
It is strictly forbidden to use any map bugs or glitches.
It is strictly forbiden to deliberatly obstruct your teammates. (team fb, team block).
32bit color is not optional.
Advertisement of any kind is forbidden.
Do not use single-color skins ! ( Red & Blue )
No one from administration going to watch 47protocol . dem files.
It is strictly forbidden to use any methods with model buging
It is strictly forbiden to use any type of MODS
It is strictly forbidden to Ban another ADMIN. If you see that admin is violating rules, write violation report with proofs (Demo or SS).Unless you consider he is cheating ( like using wallhack, aim , etc…) :admin
Players are allowed to ignore made up rules
Deathrun server rules !:game013
AFK = slay/kick .
ZombiePlague server rules !:zm026
It is forbidden to place LM in air.
It is forbidden to place LM on LM .
It is forbiden to block another player intentionaly.
It is forbiden to use bazooka bug at the start of the round.
It is forbiden to use bazooka spam.
Surf the server rules !
Camping in GunRoom punishable with slay or kick. Repeated camping punishable with ban . :misc007
Knife server rules !:misc011
Players are allowed to ignore made up rules:
Do spaces !/ Daryk tarpus!
Po viena!/ 1 Vs 1
Assault server rules!
Camping in host room or vent is allowed by T side players. Ct’s can also camp where they want but they also will be kick / slayed because they didn’t go to save hostages!
Admin rules ! :gq:
Acquaintance with these rules is a must!
Ban any type cheat users with amx_banmenu or amx_ban 0 nick reason
Gag players for swearing/insults , meaningless ‘ voice’ chat use ! ( amx_gag nick 999999999999999 )
Administrator must review banned player ban apeall, review .Dem and photos. After review of files write to one of the administrators.
Ban/Kick HLTV
Ban/Kick Players With nick Player Player(1) without reason
Swearing, Use of cheats .
Slap/slay , transfer other players to the other team for no reason .
Threaten with ban.
Ban without reason.
Baning player with ping less than 120.
Reaviling other players location via @ admin chat .
Massively share money . ( Deathrun ) .
Give XP for War3FT players , SuperHero servers.
Change yourself or your friends into survivor/nemesis in all ZombiePlague servers.
It is forbidden to use admin menu in time of swarm / nememesis / survival mod.
It is strictly forbidden to Ban another ADMIN. If you see that admin is violating rules, write violation report with proofs (Demo or SS). Unless you consider he is cheating ( like using wallhack, aim , etc…)
Exceptions , when admin can Ban another Admin ( 3 screen- shot ):do:
Suspecting he uses 16bit
Suspecting that he uses hack
Suspecting use of unauthorized plugin ( red & blue, Ellie plugin , aim cfg , etc.)
Suspects that admin acc was stolen – admin bans players for no reason
Admin can’t ban or punish another Admin , when ( must place evidence in forum )
Sees that admin exploiting bugs (map bug , lm / air bug)
Sees that admin abuse hes admin menu/ admin rights.
Assumes that admin improperly performs his duties (doesn’t ban hack users, without need changes map , threatens players, swearing / flooding via @ ).:admin
Revenge – other admin did slap / slay / kick / ban
Ban time::black eye:
Cheating : 0 min (perma)
Swearing: amx_gag 120min
Admin/Players insults : 200min , second time – 1440min.
Advertising (includes advertising in Nick) : 30min .
Nick Tag copying : 5min
Meaningles use of teamsay ( @) : 25min
Swearing through teamsay ( @) : 500min
Ping/lag related problems: 5-60min
Laming/ Troublemaker/ Flood: 30min
If other admin violates rules, report for main admin with proof (Demo or SS). Baning or solving problems by your self strictly prohibited!
ZombiePlague ::zm025
Player blocking : 30 min.
Map bug/Gliching : 60-180min
LM bug (lm in air,green lm, blocking movable game objects with lm) and LM placed on LM : 30 minutes
Ammo Hack : Ban permanently (0 min) + remove of rights