Far Cry 3
Far Cry 3 is an open world action-adventure first-person shooter video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal in Conjunction with Ubisoft Massive, Red Storm Entertainment, Ubisoft Shanghai and Ubisoft Reflections, published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 . [2] [3] The game was released on November 29, 2012 in Australia, [4] November 30 in Europe, [5] and December 4 in North America. [6] A stand-alone expansion titled Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon was released on April 30, 2013.
Far Cry 3 is set on a tropical island between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. [7] After a vacation goes awry, protagonist Jason Brody must save His friends, WHO have been kidnapped by pirates and escape from the island and its inhabitants unhinged.
The third installment in the Far Cry series, Far Cry 3 Was critically acclaimed upon release, with reviewers Praising Its design world, open-ended gameplay and story, the while the game’s multiplayer mode Was criticized. Following the game’s success, Ubisoft Announced a Successor.
Far Cry 3 is a first-person shooter, Which Also features role-playing game elements Including experience points, skill trees, and a crafting system. The player has the Ability to take cover behind objects to break Enemies’ lines of sight and to peek around and over cover and blindfire. The player has the Ability to Perform silent takedowns by performing Melee attacks from above, below, or close behind. The game’s narrative director, Jason Vandenberghe, Saeed That the story mode map is around ten times larger than the game’s previous installments. Players are Given the Ability to survey and plan out attacks with stealth takedown Their combinations and tag Enemies with the camera in order to track the movement of developer once broke the break the player’s line of sight. [8]
Equipment is controlled by a simple system. As missions are completed, new items are unlocked to swear purchased or crafted by Jason, using the pelts of Various animals found around the island to Improve items, weapons, and ammunition carrying capabilities. When scramblers on radio towers are removed, Areas of the map Opened and weapons are in the shop are first made available for purchase, and ultimately made available for free. Apart from the basic models of Each category Which Can Be Slain Enemies picked up from or at the start of Several missions, most weapons Can Be upgraded with one or more additions; silencers, larger warehouse, better sights are the Most common improvements. A special group of weapons (one per category and unlocked Depending on achievements) possesse “maxed-out” statistics in Their respective categories and / or unique Abilities. All weapons are based on Existing Ones, using Most or all of developer’s official designation, and Each come with a description of developer’s main Advantages and inconveniences. Weapon comparison Can Be evaluated across five statistics: accuracy, Damage (per round of ammunition), range, rate of fire, and mobility (the better the mobility, the faster the character Can move the while firing). Apart from guns, the player Will Also have access to a few unique items or tools. Each weapon Ammunition for category Can Be picked up, or, in the case of arrows, Retrieved after use. Reloading and magazine swap speeds vary from weapon to weapon. Reloading takes place automatically When the weapon runs empty, or Can Be triggered manually. For the bow, arrow nocking and pulling takes time before shooting, and conditions the arrow’s arch, precision and power: the longer, the better. Area effect Can Eventually eu crafted arrows.
As outposts of Vaas’ pirate group are attacked and retaken, the vicinity around the outpost Becomes safer, it unlocks new side quests for that area, like hunting missions involving the Many Different wildlife species on the island Ones to upgrade equipment. [9]
Skills are Collected by Gaining experience from Completing missions and killing Enemies, and are unlocked in three skill trees, Which correspond to the Spider, the Heron, and the Shark. Each skill tree upgrades Different Aspects of Jason’s Abilities, with the Spider upgrading bis stealth takedowns and hunting skills, Shark for assault takedowns and health, with the Heron long-range upgrading His takedowns and mobility. As skills are Collected, the tattoo on Jason’s forearm Grows Which is made up of Several tribal Different animal designs resembling the three skill trees.
Jason Brody is on vacation with a group of friends in Bangkok, celebrating His younger brother Riley getting a pilot license. Howevera, on a skydiving trip, broke the land on a pirate-infested island and are kidnapped by a pirate lord named Vaas, WHO Plans to EXTOR Their ransom money from parents, and say sell crack Into slavery. With the help of His older brother Grant, Jason breaks out of captivity, soft Grant is Killed by Vaas in the escape. Jason is rescued by Dennis, WHO is part of the Rakyat (WHO natives suffer the island due to the Activities of the pirates). Dennis recognizes Jason’s Potential as a warrior, and gives Him the Tatau, the tattoos of a warrior Rakyat. Jason said helps the Rakyat in a number of missions and ends up Finding one of His friends, Daisy, at the house of Dr. Earnhardt. Impressed with Jason’s prowess, the Rakyat Allow Him to swear the second outsider to enter Their sacred temple (Dennis Was the first being born in Liberia) and Their leader Citra initiates Him Into the tribe, after Jason finds and returns the Silver Dragon knife, a Relic Rakyat, having seen it in a previous dream. He runs a series of missions During Which he rescues captive His friends Keith Oliver and Jason’s girlfriend Liza simultaneously While Helping the Retake Their Rakyat island, helped at times by Dr. Earnhardt and Willis Huntley, a CIA agent. After a few run-ins with Vaas, Jason discovers That he is employed by Hoyt Volker, a slave trader and drug lord, and Vaas That is Citra’s brother. Throughou the adventure, Jason matures Into a fearsome warrior and is revered by the Rakyat, begins to enjoy all the killing, and Grows more distant from His friends, after receiving information Especially That Riley is dead. After Citra asks Him to stay in the island, Jason returns to Dr. Earnhardt’s house (bis Where friends are hiding and Preparing Their escape by boat), and tell Tells That he is staying, Completely His distant from friends and family, leaving disturbed say. Meanwhile, Jason has an affair with Citra after she has sex Drugs Him and with Him the while he is in a Hallucination.
After bidding goodbye to His friends, Jason goes to the pirates Vaas Where is base. Believing That Was Jason dead after a Confrontation between the two, Vaas is celebrating Jason’s death, although it transpires Actually Was he waiting for Him. After Jason kills Numerous pirates and reaches a warehouse, he and Vaas fight, Jason soft enters a delusional state, fighting multiple Duplicates of Vaas in bis dream. He reaches a final Vaas, and after a brief Struggle, he impales Him through the chest with the Dragon Knife and collapses right besides Him. He wakes up to Citra in the Rakyat’s temple, and her Promises That Will he kill Hoyt for her. After Huntley helps Him Get Into Hoyt’s island, Jason infiltrates Hoyt’s personal army with the help of Sam Becker, Huntley’s fellow operative. During this time, Jason discovers That Riley is alive, a prisoner of Hoyt soft. His way works Into Jason Hoyt’s confidence, Hoyt Until Eventually invites Him and Sam to a poker night. After making a plan to kill Hoyt, Sam and Jason sit down at the poker game, soft Sam Hoyt stabs in the throat and kills Him, Knowing the two are Traitors. After Jason gets one of His fingers cut by Hoyt, the two have a knife fight, with Jason Emerging Victorious and killing Hoyt. Jason goes to rescue Riley said; he receives a call from Lisa, the signal is cut soft Before she can say anything. Rescues Jason Riley and the two escape by helicopter.
The two fly to Earnhardt’s crack house, find it burning soft and the doctor dying on the ground. With his last words, he say Tells That Was the house attacked by the Rakyat, and That They have captured Jason’s friends. Jason and Riley arrive at the Temple Rakyat. Jason asks why His friends Citra Were captured, she sprays soft Him Unconscious with a sleep powder and captures Riley. Citra has fallen in love with Jason, Believing Him to swear a powerful warrior of legend Rakyat, and Him That She Will free. He starts dreaming of walking a path with the fiery Dragon Knife, and having Liza as a monster in bis dream. He wakes up at knife point Liza holding with the Dragon Knife, and Given the choice is either to kill or to spare His friends say.
Far Cry 3 features a sandbox editor. [15] Furthermor, after confirmations of split screen PC Far Cry 3 on the official site as well as content delivery service Steam, the feature dropped Was Before release days. [16]
The game’s writer Jeffrey Yohalem claimed That the Intention of the game’s full Was to make a statement about “shooting what Means and what it does to humanity”. The game’s protagonist Jason Brody is not a trained soldier, an everyman Rather soft Who is CRAM to Become a killer over the course of the game. That Claims Yohalem as a Result the game examines “what happens When That guy is put into a Situation Where he has to survive minute by minute and save His friends? Will he pick up a gun and how does That affec Him? [… ] This is a story about a normal guy picks up a gun WHO and That Can not end well. “[17] Producer Dan Hay emphasized the emotional That “turns” in the characters Were a major theme in the game, stating That, “That Was The thing we wanted and emotional When we first saw it, it Was with Vaas.” Hay commented further That the game systemic merged the emotional feel and feel from the previous two Far Cry games in order to take the game in a “very, very surprising direction.
In August 2010, PC Gamer Reported That development of Far Cry 3 Was in “full swing” at Ubisoft Montreal. [10] In the Same Month, Game and Swedish retailer Webhallen listed the game for a 2010 release, Which did not happen. [11] In January 2011, Ubisoft declined to comment on speculation That Far Cry 3 WOULD BE hitting shelves in October after Game Informer listed the game as an October arrival in Its 2011 preview feature. [12]
In February, the Official PlayStation Magazine Suggested That the game Was due for release at the end of 2011 as the Following quote Suggested, “Start taking the malaria medicine in preparation: Far Cry 3 Could Be arriving before the end of the year.” [ 13] This statement Was withdrawn in next month’s edition Where It Was Stated That the game WOULD BE shown on 2011’s E3 and That the release date WOULD BE bumped back to 2012. [full citation needed] in May, the CVS of a couple of stuntmen Far Cry 3 listed as one of developer’s previous projects.