Download : Click Here
1. Un-zip the archive you have downloaded.
This can be done by right clicking on the downloaded archive (.zip file). If the file ends in .rar you might need WinRAR to un-zip it.
1. Inside the un-zipped folder there should be a file ending in .spr. That is a sprite. The file name of this sprite is often (but not always) sniper\_scope.spr.
If the name isn’t sniper_scope.spr there should also be a file named weapon\_awp.txt.
1. Copy the sprite (.spr file), and the weapon\_awp(.txt) if there is one.
(If there are files named scope\_arc.tga, scope\_arc\_ne.tga, scope\_arc\_nw.tga and scope\_arc\_sw.tga you should copy them too.
1. Find your cstrike folder and open it. Inside there should be a folder named sprites. If there isn’t a folder named sprites you must create it!
1. Open the sprites folder and paste in the sprite (.spr file) and weapon\_awp.txt (and the .tga files if there where any). If you are asked to replace any files click “Yes.”
You have now installed your new scope.
The age of edged weapons ended abruptly just before World War I with rifled artillery. Howitzers were able to destroy masonry fortresses and other fortifications. This single invention caused a Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) and established tactics and doctrine that are still in use today. See Technology during World War I for a detailed discussion.
An important feature of industrial age warfare was technological escalation – innovations were rapidly matched through replication or countered by yet another innovation. The technological escalation during World War I (WW I) was profound, producing armed aircraft and tanks.
This continued in the inter-war period (between WW I and WW II) with continuous evolution of all weapon systems by all major industrial powers. Many modern military weapons, particularly ground-based ones, are relatively minor improvements of weapon systems developed during World War II. See military technology during World War II for a detailed discussion.
Since the mid-18th century North American French-Indian war through the beginning of the 20th century, human-powered weapons were reduced from the primary weaponry of the battlefield yielding to gunpowder-based weaponry. Sometimes referred to as the “Age of Rifles”,[14] this period was characterized by the development of firearms for infantry and cannons for support, as well as the beginnings of mechanized weapons such as the machine gun, the tank and the wide introduction of aircraft into warfare, including naval warfare with the introduction of the aircraft carriers.