Addons Hide n Seek
Addons Hide n Seek
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Description: Addons type Hide-N-Seek contains amxmodx, Booster, Metamod
[] You give doublellama.amxx Llama / Gag a Player
[] Connect_exec.amxx a plugin that puts players at the rate fixed in how not LAG 25000
[] Ghostchat.amxx The dead can speak to the living
[] Hidenseek.amxx plugin mode main Hide-N-Seek
[] Frostnades.amxx Smoku’k just freezes team’s CT
[] Jumpstats_bhop.amxx Various statistics for BhopJump
[] Jumpstats_count.amxx Various statistics for CountJump
[] Jumpstats_ladder.amxx Various statistics for LadderJump
[] Jumpstats_long.amxx Various statistics for Longjump
[] Jumpstats_weird.amxx Various statistics for WeirdJump
[] Messages_Shower.amxx Show various messages in CHAT
[] SayRestart.amxx By ordering / restart restart game
[] Stickynades.amxx stick grenades Players
[] Speclist.amxx In the top left corner shows a list of players who sit on you Spectator
[*] Hpk.amxx kick players with more than 100 LAG’ul
Hide-and-seek or hide-and-go-seek is a popular children’s game in The which any number of players conceal Themselves in the environment, to be found by one or more seekers. The game is one player Played by Chosen (Designated as being “it”) closing Their eyes and counting to a predetermined number while the other players hide. After Reaching this number, the player Who is “” calls, “Ready or not, here I come!” Attempts to locate and the then concealed all players. [1]
The game of can end in one of Several ways. In the most common variation of the game, the player Chosen as “it” locates all players would have not allowed the players to move; the player found last is the winner and is Chosen to be “it” in the next game. Another common variation has the seeker counting at “home base”; either the hiders CAN THEY CAN Remain hidden or come out of hiding to race to home base; THEY once touch it, They are “safe” and Can not Be tagged. But if the seeker tags Another player Before Reaching home base, That person Becomes “it.”
The game is example of year year oral tradition, as it is commonly Passed by children.
Different versions of the game is Played Around the World, under a variety of names. [2] One derivative in the game is Called “Sardines”, in Which only one person hides and the others must find Them, Them hiding with the when THEY do so. The hiding places become progressively more cramped, like sardines in a tin. The last person to find the hiding group is the loser. A. M. Burrage calls this version of the game “Smee” in 1931 His ghost story of the same name.
In Some versions of the game, after the first player is caught or if not any other players CAN BE found over a period of time, “it” calls out a pre-Agreed phrase (Such as “Olly olly oxen free” or ” All in, all in, all out there in free Everybody “) to signal the other hiders to return to base for the next round. [4] In Another version, the when players have caught THEY help the “it” seek out others.
In one variant, once all hiders have been located, the then Becomes the game a game of tag where are the “it” chases after all the other players and the Becomes the first person tagged “it”.
In Another, help found the hiders Who has the “it” track down the remaining hiders, but the first person to be found Becomes the next “it.”
In Australia, the game is often Called “44 Homes.” The hiders hide until They are spotted by the seeker, Who chants, “Forty, Forty, I see you” (Sometimes Shortened to “Forty, forty, see you”). Once spotted, the hider must run to “home base” (where the “it” WAS counting while the other players hid) and HE or SHE touch Before it is “tipped” (tagged, or touched) by the seeker. If tagged, Hider That Becomes the new “it.” [5]
In India, hide-and-seek is Played Differently – if any of the ‘hiders’ touch the seeker and says ‘Dhappa’, THEN the seeker has to count again. However, if the hider Before the seeker SEES THEY manage to touch Him / HER and say dhappa, the then Hider That Will Be ‘it’ the next round, UNLESS Some other Hider Manages to ‘Dhappa’ the seeker Without being seen.But now, INSTEAD of doing Dhappa on the “IT” s body, hiders can do dhappa where are the “it” counts. The “it” is simply Called as “Dianer” (yeah-ee-nuh-rr); and the dianers Takes the dian. (count)
In Brazil and Russia, hide-and-seek has an extra step. The “it” starts counting with eyes closed and facing the wall while everyone hides. Once the “it” Finds someone, THEY must race to the spot where are the “it” was originally counting and facing the wall and whoever touches That spot first, wins the game. This Is Also Sometimes Played by Other Countries.