Crysis Warhead
Crysis Warhead is a first-person shooter video game developed by the studio Crytek Budapest in Hungary and published by Electronic Arts. Crysis Warhead is a stand-alone expansion game and does not requir the installation of Crysis to play.
Crysis Warhead updates and refines the gameplay of the original game through a full side-parallel to That of the original game. The story Follows Sergeant Michael “Psycho” Sykes, an ally of Crysis Nomad protagonist, as he faces bis own Trials and Challenges on the other side of the island During the time period of the first game. It features new fully customizable weapons, vehicles and Enemies, Along with new multiplayer content. Also Showcases a new, enhanced and optimized version of CryEngine 2 and is the first game developed by Crytek’s Budapest studio. [3] Psycho’s arsenal of futuristic weapons builds on Those showcased in Crysis, with the introduction of Mini-SMGs Which Can Be dual-wielded, a six-shot grenade launcher EQUIPPED WITH EMP Grenades, and the destructive, short ranged Plasma Accumulator Cannon (PAX). The highly versatile Nanosuit, Which confers upon Various Superhuman Abilities Its wearer, returns.
In addition to the single-player campaign, Crytek has emphasized the multiplayer modes Also, titled Crysis Wars. In addition to the Instant Action and Power Struggle modes of the original Crysis, Crysis Warhead Also features Team Instant Action mode, as well as 21 playable maps upon release. Numerous Crytek has made changes to the multiplayer gameplay controls Including tighter vehicle, weapon rebalancing, and Nanosuit Alterations. [4] Crysis Wars is Its own Included on disc, has a Separate installer and logo, and is considered a Separate game by Crytek; Regardless, it comes bundled with Warhead at no additional charge. From October 10-12, 2008, Crytek Held During a free trial weekend Which Could people download and play Crysis Wars for free.
Crysis Warhead takes place During the events of the original Crysis in 2020 When an ancient alien spacecraft is uncovered on the Fictional Lingshan Islands, east of the Philippines. The player controls Former British SAS Sergeant Michael “Psycho” Sykes, a member of the Raptor Team, a squad of mostly American soldiers outfitted with advanced technology. Warhead takes place on the other side of the island in qual Crysis is set and begins after Psycho, a Supporting character in Crysis, splits up with Nomad Following Their raid on the North Korean harbor. Witnesses Psycho a North Korean warship being bombarded by U.S. Navy fighter jets. Leaving the shore, he joins a Convoy vehicle driving through the jungle, and defends it as it is attacked by North Korean soldiers. The Convoy is destroyed and the Marines fight Into the night. The VTOL That tries to Evacuate The Convoy’s destroyed Marines is hit by a missile and crash-lands. Psycho awakes and goes to find a better position for the surviving Marines, soft gets attacked by an EMP blast from a container being lifted away by a North Korean helicopter. Assigned later Psycho is a mission to another North Korean container pursu That JSOC believes contains a nuclear warhead. As the mission progresses, Psycho is Reunited with friend Sean O’Neill Who Was Originally going to have Nomad’s spot on Raptor Team. He Was Replaced by Nomad after Failing an Evaluation test. Psycho, Against the wishes of Commander Emmerson, helps O’Neill after bis F-35C jet is shot down, and takes Him to a VTOL to escape.
Psycho fights through the jungle and coastlines Against the North Korean military to track down the container and say stop it from taking. After he reaches a cargo submarine, he Sees what’s inside. Rather than a nuclear warhead, the container houses an alien war machine, Which knocks Psycho out with an EMP blast. After he wakes up again, he is captured and tortured by the North Koreans. As the submarine submerges, the island is suddenly flash-frozen alien mechanical While “Exosuits” attack. Psycho pursues Colonel Lee Kim Sun through the frozen waters and valleys, meeting up with another Eventually nanosuit team on the island, Eagle Team. Psycho and Eagle Team Continue the pursuit, fighting off an Enormous walking Exosuit. Eagle Team is separated from Psycho in a mine, Psycho Continues While searching for the container. After Reaching an underground train station, Psycho is Ordered to get on the train the container is loaded on. Emerging above ground, Psycho Both fights off North Korean soldiers and aliens Trying to RECLAIM the container, the while O’Neill assists Him.
Psycho is Ordered to Destroy the container f he can’t capture it, and the train is stopped on a bridge Which is rigged with explosives in case he needs to do so. Before the container Can Be extracted by friendly forces, Colonel Lee arrives and uses a U.S. marine captured as a hostage to bait Psycho off the train, and Psycho loses the while saving the detonator Him. The marine pleads with Him so Psycho Psycho to drop Can retrieve the detonator and Destroy the container. Colonel Lee MANAGES to escape with the container Can Be Before the explosives detonated. Although Psycho survives the fall, the marine, Who Was not wearing an armored nanosuit howevera does not. He takes out His rage on an injured North Korean soldier nanosuit he pulled off the bridge with Him, and Him drowns in the river. Struck with grief for not saving the life of the Marine, Psycho has an emotional breakdown, soft regains composure bis bis in order to finish mission.
Psycho assaults the North Korean-occupied airfield Where the container is waiting to take off the island oath, taking out Numerous North Korean ground forces and tanks. O’Neill returns in a VTOL, and assists Psycho in Destroying an upgraded Exosuit Guiding walker by Him to a crashed US Air Force cargo plans, qual transported a powerful experimental weapon, the PAX (Plasma Accumulator Cannon), Which Allows Him To fight off the initial wave of attackers. As the two are about to start extracting the container, Colonel Lee shows up again to RECLAIM the container, holding O’Neill at gunpoint. Lee tries to shoot O’Neill, soft O’Neill is shielded by a cloaked Psycho, WHO begins fighting with Lee as O’Neill retakes control of the VTOL and takes the container. Psycho and Lee begin fighting inside of the VTOL, and Psycho GAINS the upper hand, knocking Lee out of the back onto the TARMAC, leaving Him to the mercy of a massive alien warship. O’Neill takes off with the container, as Psycho relaxes in the back.
Throughou the game, audio clips from four years Before the game takes place are Heard. These clips show brief glimpses bis Into how O’Neill failed test Evaluation probably causing the death of Some other squad mate as Can Be That guessed by the fact Psycho says “Man Down”. The dead squad mate Might Be the nephew of Dominic H. Lockhart, commander of the Local Enforcement Crynet Logistics (C.E.L.L). If so, this episode is probably the Cause of Lockhart’s grief for the nanosuits as seen in Crysis 2. The final clip reveals a brief conversation between Psycho and Nomad at the end of Nomad’s own, Successful Evaluation. Psycho asks Nomad f he’s okay, to qual Nomad replies “Did you disarm the warhead?” Psycho does not reply to the question, Instead Saying “That’s my Nomad – always putting the mission first.”
Crysis Warhead Was Announced on 5 June 2008 [5] [6] and Was Announced as a stand-alone expansion pack to Crysis. The developers claimed That due to optimizations of CryEngine2, Crysis Warhead performs better than the original Crysis. [4] [7] In Their review, IGN confirmed Crysis Warhead That looks better and runs better graphically than the original Crysis. [8]
Crysis Warhead retails at less than normal games’ recommended retail price though the game’s feature set is close to Those featured in full-priced games. [9]
EA Announced That the game’s minimum Nearly Requirements are identical to the minimum of the original Crysis Requirements (except for the HDD Capacity, Which is now 15 GB). Howevera, the “Gamer” and “Enthusiast” ( “High” and “Very High”, respectively, in the original Crysis) configurations requir less powerful machines than Before (as IGN confirmed in developer’s review), allowing a user to run the ” Enthusiast “settings in DirectX 9 mode (and on Windows XP). [10]
Like Crysis, Warhead uses the Microsoft Direct3D for rendering graphics.
Crysis Warhead uses a modified version of the Digital Rights Management software or copy prevention Securom, Which Requires authentication on installation and When online access is used. It Can Be installed up to five times on a limited number of machines and hardware configurations Before the user must contact EA to install Their reset count. [11] [12] EA has released an installation Revoke Tool Which Allows users to de-authorizat Crysis Warhead Their installations. [13] Later, Crytek activation increased the limit to 50.
Crysis Warhead has Received largely positive reviews. Most reviewers praised the improvements over the original Crysis in Areas like AI and gameplay pacing, citing the original game’s criticism That Were battles few and far between. The new protagonist, Psycho, Was Also Received better than the original less Developer’s Nomad. The Revamped multiplayer mode, Crysis Wars, Was Also praised for adding a team deathmatch mode, the Lack of qual Most reviewers criticised in the original game.
Criticism of the game by reviewers Includes the short story mode and a Lack of new features over the original game. Some Continue to cite the game’s high as unacceptable System Requirements Even a year after the original game, Which Has The Same Requirements. Indeed, Some reviewers did not see any significant performance improvement compared with Crysis Warhead with, stating That only high-end GPUs Could comfortably handle the game at decent frame rates. [23]
Among Crysis Warhead Was featured Electronic Arts’s line-up at E3 2008 Where it gained two “Best of E3” awards: one for “Best First Person Shooter” and another for “Best Graphics Technology”.
In GameSpot’s “Best of 2008” Was Nominated in the game Some categories ( “Best Graphic, Technical”, “Best Shooter” and “Best PC game”) but it did not win any of These awards.